While my body rested, my heart, mind and soul wandered.
For mother’s day, my boys took me on an amazing weekend getaway to a cozy little cottage in San Marcos. It was only thirty minutes away and very different from our usually adventurous trips but it was a perfect place to escape to. I spent most of Saturday eating and snuggling with my boys or watching them explore while I sat in the beautiful private garden. Capped off my lazy day soaking in a hot tub under the stars with Bryan while we sipped on red wine (a bottle we saved from our time in Hawaii). With Liam in great view and fast asleep no more than ten feet from us, we had zero worries that night as parents and were able to just focus on each other and ourselves. Its amazing how much reflecting you can get done when you’re not consumed by a giant pile of laundry, endless dishes, deciding what to make for dinner, or putting toys away for the 3rd time that day. It was so fulfilling being able to gather my thoughts and figure things out about myself, what I want to do for myself, how to better myself, and where do I want to be a year, 5 years, 10 years from now (usually mindful of the present and grasping the now). One of the things I came up with through out all this wondering was to start a blog.
So here I am, writing my first entry [!!!]. Life for me and my boys are rarely calm and chaos free like this weekend but is abundant in wander and definitely, love.
Join me on my creative journey and follow along as we go on bucket list travels and everyday adventures together including motherhood and military life.
Cottage Details:
Decor/Ambiance: Cozy and bright. 2 french doors, a skylight and 6 windows wrapping around the house provide ample natural lighting. Great for photography and experimenting with light!
Amenities: Lush garden, well maintained outdoor spa, working outdoor fireplace, outdoor dining area, sofa bed, kitchen sink, microwave, coffee and espresso maker and 2 TVs.
Cleanliness: The very first thing I inspect when I walk into a hotel room or rental is its bed. Sleeping in the same bed that dozens and maybe hundreds of other strangers have slept in too is my absolute least favorite part of traveling. I didn't think about that here though. The bed along with the rest of the cottage was fresh, pristine and well kept.
Child friendly? For the most part, yes! The garden is on a slope so we did not let Liam roam around it without us more than a few feet away. There is a small set of stairs (5 steps between the bedroom and living area). Liam was cautious and capable going up and down the stairs. For younger children, I would suggest bringing 2 baby gates for the top and bottom of the steps. I would also bring a portable crib or pack and play. Although the bed was big enough to fit the three of us, it was too high to let Liam sleep in it.
Would we recommend it? Absolutely!! Looking forward to next time.