
Its been four years since I was pregnant with my first little one, Liam, and had to think about must haves for a baby registry. Throughout this time, I have been in awe of the new and innovative baby products that have popped up on the market and newsfeeds. They are much more stylish, sleek, simple and functional. Perfect for a mama with a chic, minimal lifestyle. Here is a list of 10 must have baby products that I have my eye on for baby Milan that you will want to add to your dream baby registry as well.

1. Stroller: City Select Lux by Baby Jogger

With a toddler, newborn on the way and our constant travels, a comfortable, easy to use and maneuver, double stroller is a must. After lots of research, the City Select Lux convertible stroller became my preferred choice, making it to the top of the baby wish list.

The City Select Lux can be converted from a single stroller to a double accommodating both my children. Either of them can sit on the top or lower part of the stroller. A skateboard or chair can also be added on for when Liam wants to easily get on and off the stroller.

2. Baby Carrier: Wildbird Ring Sling

Only about a month after baby Milan is born, we will be traveling over the ocean and across the country from Italy all the way to the Pacific Northwest. One of my biggest concerns is baby's health and how to protect her from airplane germs and strangers tempted to squish her cheeks (totally understandable - I would want to too!). Another concern is being able to comfortably wear her so my hands can be free to wrangle my toddler or handle luggage when on the go.

I love the look of Wildbird's ring slings and have heard great reviews on them from other mamas. They are stylish and comfortable and come in a variety of beautiful colors and quality fabrics. Plus they employ stay at home moms!

3. Bassinet: SNOO Smart Sleeper by Happiest Baby

Before Liam was comfortable enough to sleep through the night in his crib and before I was comfortable enough to let him - I wanted to keep him at arms reach and viewable from the bed but NOT in the bed. The bassinet level on his playyard was perfect for his first few months and made it easy for him to later transition into his crib. I would use it again for baby Milan but its too large for our smaller room so I am looking for one that takes up less space and have my eyes set on the Snoo Smart Sleeper.

The SNOO Smart Sleeper is sleek, takes up minimal space and provides several innovative functions including built in white noise, swaddle and automatic rocker to help baby and parents sleep better.

4. Car Seat: Nuna Pipa

The most important thing when picking out a car seat is safety. With its numerous great reviews, the Nuna Pipa won me over.

The Nuna Pipa car seat has great safety reviews while also looking stylish. It comes with a built in UPF 50+ canopy which we found very helpful with Liam's car seat, is lightweight and aircraft certified.

5. Bib: Gathre vegan leather bibs

Baby items big or small, this mama keeps design in mind even when it comes to bibs. It felt like Liam was wearing a bib for at least half the time he was awake -- breakfast - bib, lunch - bib, dinner - bib, snack time - bib, teething - bib, drooling - bib. For baby Milan, I want a bib that is stylish and easy to clean like Gathre's vegan leather bibs.

Gathre bibs are available in a variety of colors, made with quality vegan leather and most importantly, are wipeable and stain resistant. They can also be used for toddlers. 

6. Rocker: Charlie Crane LEVO Baby Rocker

A rocker is a must for helping baby nap or while getting things done around the house.

The Charlie Crane LEVO Baby Rocker has a sleek and simple design, fitting in perfectly with any home decor. Best of all, its 100% cotton cushion is machine washable.

7. High Chair: Stokke TRIPP TRAPP with baby set and tray

We loved Liam's high chair but this time we need something that takes up less space and has less crevices making clean up easier.

The Stokke TRIPP TRAPP looks simple, smooth, easy to clean, can be converted as baby Milan grows and can be used by Liam as well.

8. Blanket: Rylee + Cru organic swaddle

Another baby item Liam was always using was a blanket. I want blankets that are pretty yet gentle on baby's skin like Rylee + Cru's swaddle blankets.

Rylee + Cru has swaddle blankets with a variety of colors and patterns and they are made with 100% organic muslin.

9. Diaper Bag: Madeline Diaper Bag by Lily Jade

Four years ago, there was not as many stylish diaper bags like there is today so I settled with using a coach leather tote purse. I managed and it survived but this time around, I know better on what is needed for a diaper bag to be functional while also being stylish. One thing that is necessary for me is being able to carry the bag cross body for easy access, around my arms for easy carrying and on my back for easy wearing. The Madeline diaper bag from Lily-Jane has convertible straps that allow me to wear it in different ways, making me completely swoon over it.

The Lily-Jade Madeline bag is made of leather making milk spills easy to clean up, exterior pockets for bottles and my phone, interior pockets to keep things organized and a zippered pocket for my wallet. Best of all, it has those convertible straps so I can wear it as a messenger bag, tote or backpack.

10. Lounger: Snuggle Me or Dockatot?

A huge must have for our traveling family is a newborn lounger - a safe portable place to let baby lay, rest and play while we are bouncing between hotels, airports and even grandma's house. Unfortunately there are two loungers on the market that seem to fit all our family's needs and I can't decide between the two!

Luckily for me, I am surrounded by all you wise mamas to help me choose. Let me know what you think about the Snuggle Me Organic Lounger versus the Dockatot Lounger in the comments or vote through my instagram story - PassportsandLullabies

I would also love to hear your experience with any of the baby products on this list or if there is anything else I should add to my baby registry. So far, I have these 10 amazing baby products that seem to be absolute must haves, hence - dream baby registry.

If I get lucky enough to try any of these baby items, I will do an updated review.
